

Es geht darum, die Sonne aus dem Arsch strahlen zu lassen, sich ausgiebig im Herzschmerzleid zu suhlen und sich anschließend in das Licht zu verlieben. Es geht um herzförmige Tränen, um die Zirbeldrüse aka drittes Auge, und um Vibes. Pflanzen mit Menstruationsblut düngen, Bewusstheit kultivieren, diese wieder loswerden wollen und des inneren Hassknechtes wegen schmunzeln. Es riecht nach divine femininity. WHAT’S A GIRL TO DO?

SNEEK PEEK ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎

I call forth my awakening
Light of love, travel now my vordesy
Round and circle, spiral spin
Unblock the lock
bring forth, what I cannot see
All that is hidden, all that is me
Bring forth my pain, that I may heal
to be forever free

”Earth” - lyrics by Merkaba

SHOP “ ABSTRKT “  ︎︎︎

Kyky, my name is Katja Ivanchenko. I grew up in Ukraine and south Germany, now I’m living, tripping and illustrating in Berlin. Inspired by dreams, mysticism and the world of the invisible I’m documenting the personal and collective shift in consciousness.

I believe in omnism and would love to see science and spirituality french kissing. One big step towards this fusion might be the rise of the divine feminine and the complete unleashing of plant medicine. Currently I’m tattooing at Hit me up for inquiries and collaborations *here*

2024   © Ivanchenko | All Rights Reserved